March is International Women’s Month

A few years back, I was asked to write a tribute to a woman that I greatly admired. It didn’t take me long to think of that one special lady whom to pay tribute. Here is my tribute letter for her:

A woman is said to be the “weaker vessel”. But time and history have shown how women of great stood up remarkably amidst great tribulation, regardless of age and stature. Reminiscent of a great woman, let me share about my sister, the eldest of us four siblings and her great achievement in keeping a 
family together. 
We grew up in a very poor family. Aside from the constant problem of putting food on the table, my parents were almost always away from home. We basically grew up with growling stomach and with no proper guidance. Through it all, there was one saving grace – my sister, Charlene. She was only eight, I was five, and there were our two baby brothers to look after. Young as she was then, she took care of me & our siblings. She was there to help me out at school, tutor me, feed us and made our childhood seemingly happy & normal, albeit hard.

But her admirable hard work does not stop there. I know that she had to sacrifice her dreams & her college studies just so she can work and help finance our family’s needs. And when we were both at our marrying age, I remember I constantly nagged her to go find a life, a boyfriend and have her family. But it was only later, nearing her thirties did she finally marry. I know of her silent sacrifices for our family, how she had always put our needs on top of her own happiness. To us siblings, she is like a mother that guided us, a father that met our basic needs. To me, she is the great best friend I could ever have. A sister in every sense of the word. One that I greatly admire, and dearly love. We may not have verbally thanked her enough, but she will always have my respect & deep appreciation.

We are actually separated by many miles now, and I miss her so. Though we both have our own family now whenever I need the comfort of a friend, it is still her I run to & depend upon. From a young woman forced to grow up fast for her family’s sake to the big sister who is always there to help – that’s my sister. & Her life is my inspiration.


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